
“Incredible experience, very moving, unique!
A sensation of being whole, being present, being me!”
“It’s pure, joyful, intense, funny, magical!
I experienced the most beautiful journey of my life.”
“What we experienced with you was priceless! Thank you for having guided me to my own being.”
"Your love and your humanity did us a lot of good. You are a magnificent duo!”
“Catharina and Paul show us the way to the essentials, to the essence of life"
“There is a before and after.
This course really nourished me on my transformational path.”
"This adventure which we shared with you opened into a world of possibilities and transformed our future.”
"As inspiring leaders, Catharina and Paul know the art of surrounding themselves with a very present team and creating a framework of love where everything is possible."

Transformational Breath® is the best tool for:

Personal Power

Get grounded, aligned, open


Find your voice with deep abdominal breath
Powerful truthful expression


Get aligned: Head, Heart, Body


Shifts attention to body & heart

Stress Management

Reverse the stress spiral

Inspiring Communication

Embody your leadership!
Be inspiring and charismatic!

Emotional Intelligence

Transform negative emotions
Fuel action and grow compassion

Authentic Purpose

Connect to deeper motivation!
Be fully YOU!


Breath empowers you

Transformational Breath® has one goal: open you up to your full potential at every level of your being, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Oxygen for head, heart and body

On a physical level, a Transformational Breath® session brings 2 to 3 times more oxygen to our cells and increases detoxification up to 15 times by stimulating the lymphatic system through diaphragmatic breathing. The body is more alive, lighter and more vibrant.

On a mental level, Transformational Breath® brings us more clarity, and on an emotional level, it helps to integrate and free up blocked emotions. In moments of fear, anger or grief, your muscles tighten and your breathing changes. When the emotions cannot be handled or expressed, they get repressed and locked in the body. Little by little, restrictive breathing patterns start to take over.

Breathing into your full potential

Transformational Breath® is for everybody, whatever your age or level of physical health.

Whether you have challenges in terms of your health, a burn-out in your professional life, relationships that need improving or a deep desire to know yourself more, Transformational Breath® is a powerful tool that leverages your relationship to life itself.

6 Day Intensive Seminar

THE flagship course of the Transformational Breath® Foundation,

This powerful and transformative course is a deep dive of 6 intense consecutive days in beautiful residential sites near Saint Tropez in the south of France.

The course will be held in English and French with translation.

Learn not only how to master your breath but how to master your life through a variety of powerful modalities taught throughout the week. The contents include 2 to 3 Transformational Breath® sessions per day, a breathing session in hot water, Byron Katie’s “The Work” to dissolve limiting judgements, “The Presence Process” by Michael Brown, Dyadic Communication, The Abundance Program, Breathing Analysis, Bodymapping and personal coaching sessions… and much much more!



Interview B’Inspired with Virginie Delalande

The Future, Leadership and the Breath

An exploration into the transformative power of the breath and how it can support us in solving the challenges of the future and creating the leadership capacities necessary to change our world for the better.


Presence of Breath interview at Google HQ Paris with Alexis Santin

Presence of Breath

Presence of Breath® is the perfect marriage of two powerful and world famous techniques: "The Presence Process" by Michael Brown and Transformational Breath®. Over two and a half days and 5 modules, the workshop dives deeply into two essential parameters of human life: your presence and your breath. Increase your capacity to be present, learn to breathe more fully and you will necessarily impact positively the quality of your actions whatever challenges you are facing at the moment whether professional, personal or in your intimate relationships.


2 million copies worldwide. Translated into over 30 languages

Breathing Into Now

This workshop brings together for the first time Eckhart Tolle’s “the Power of Now” with the Transformational Breath® system. Combining “The Power of Now” with the Transformational Breath® system allows participants to anchor their understanding of Eckhart Tolle’s concepts and be able to promote emotional cleansing, the necessary first step to present moment awareness. Over two and a half days and 5 modules, the workshop covers themes such as the Voice in your Head, Overcoming the Pain Body, the Ghosts of the Future, Conscious Relationships and Honouring the Present.


Individual sessions

Great way to explore breathwork, especially if it’s your first time. One-on-one sessions give you the ability to access your situation on a deep level and at the same time give you a real taste of the benefits of Transformational Breath®.

Also useful for those who are intimidated by groups for the time being or feel that they want to give themselves more space before going into more intense group situations.
Equally important for those with more serious medical issues and who need for one reason or another closer personal attention.

Press / Media

EVENTS: Seminar / Weekend

Presence of Breath



Transformational Breath® & “The Presence Process” by Michael Brown

14 - 16 Febr 2020

Breathing Into Now



Transformational Breath® & “The Power of Now » by Eckhart Tolle

13 - 15 March 2020

THE Transformational Breath® seminar 6 day intensive 



The flagship course of the Transformational Breath® Foundation

18 - 24 April 2020

Breathing Into Now

Buckinghamshire, near London


Transformational Breath® & “The Power of Now » by Eckhart Tolle

8-10 May 2020

Presence of Breath



Transformational Breath® & “The Power of Now » by Eckhart Tolle

15-17 May 2020

THE Transformational Breath® seminar 6 day intensive 

Saint Tropez


The flagship course of the Transformational Breath® Foundation

21-27 June 2020

Presence of Breath



Transformational Breath® & “The Presence Process” by Michael Brown

4 - 5 July 2020

Presence of Breath



Transformational Breath® & “The Presence Process” by Michael Brown

25-27 Sept 2020

THE Transformational Breath® seminar 6 day intensive 



The flagship course of the Transformational Breath® Foundation

25-31 Oct 2020